Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The World Economic Power And Its Impact On The Economy

In this book, Dobbs, Manyika, and Woetzel believe the world is almost constantly discontinued. Many long-held assumptions, long-term projections, and long-stand trends have been upended by disruptive technologies, trends, and developments. A completely different world is being formed by four main forces. The first force is the development of emerging markets and the growing urbanization within these markets (Cooper, 2015). The world economic power is moving to east and south. As an example, China is predicted to have most large companies located in rather than the United States or Europe by 2025. Equally important, economic activities are arising within these emerging markets. For instance, a Chinese city Tianjin, who had a same size GDP†¦show more content†¦The final power is the tighter global connection in capital, people, and information. The connection between the countries has already become an intricate web from a series of lines simply connecting core trading pivots of developed economies. The capital flows between emerging markets; the trades between developing areas and the people crossed borders have all experienced a sharp increase. Figure 1: Global connection has become a complex web (Neal, 2013). In the end, the authors give an optimistic summary forecasting that the world will become richer, healthier and more developed. The urbanization will be higher; the technology will also achieve a higher level. There will be more innovations for challenges, more products and services for new consumers and more opportunities for entrepreneurs. In their words, today is â€Å"an age of recurring miracles†. According to the given information about the authors at the back of the book, they three are all scholars or doctors from Oxford, Stanford or the University of Southern California. Therefore, it can be believed that they have clear ideas of the content of their book. However, there is an important fact that the authors are all directors of McKinsey and of the McKinsey Global Institute. It is possible that they write the book for business purposes because MGI is a business institute which provides information to leaders in the commercial, public, and social

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Application Of An Enterprise Architecture - 1658 Words

Introduction Most organizations have different types of systems that have been implemented and being used for different purposes over the year of their operations. In this day and age, technologies seem to change rapidly with executives and managers finding it difficult to get a pictorial view of the existing systems whenever a new system is being implemented. The primary purpose of an enterprise architecture is to integrate the Information Technology (IT) assets across different departments of an organization and in order to create blueprints that will define the current organizational structure and the targeted structure. There are a couple of system development models among which is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a†¦show more content†¦Anaya and Ortiz (2005), defined enterprise architecture as a blueprint that provides a common view of the primary resources of any enterprise (people, processes and technology) and how they integrate to provide the primar y drivers of the enterprise. Anaya and Ortiz further went on to explain that enterprise architectures are used mainly as two types of tools, which are: engineering tool and management tool. As a tool for engineering, the enterprise architecture defines specific roles and responsibilities which are assigned to various personnel of the organization that must be followed in order to accomplish the objective of the organization. As a management tool, a manager will be able to visualize the connections or relationships between operating process, resources, information systems across different functions of the enterprise. Importance of an Enterprise System Architecture Enterprise System architecture plays an important role in every organization as it creates a road map that is to be followed to better articulate the business operating process of an organization. â€Å"ERP system architecture provides a foundation for both the functional and the technical needs of the organization and

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Nike-High End Shoe Market Survey in Bangladesh.Doc Free Essays

This report was collected from : bijoynsu@gmail. com 01. INTRODUCTION 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike-High End Shoe Market Survey in Bangladesh.Doc or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 Consumer Behavior The term consumer behavior is defined as the behavior that consumers display in searching for purchasing, using, evaluating disposing of products services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Consumer behavior focuses on how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. That includes what they buy, why they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it, how often they use it, how they evaluate it after the purchase and impact of such evaluation on future purchases disposal. Nike shoes are sold worldwide at high price. People tend to associate high price positively with good quality maximum performance. Because of the high price, before buying Nike shoes, people undergo extensive information processing, i. e. – ask friends or search the internet to find information about the product. 1. Origin of Report The report has been prepared for Mr. Junaid Khan, faculty at School of Business in North South University as a requirement of MKT344 course. This report is compulsory for students majoring in marketing. 1. 3 Limitations We had faced many obstacles whilst carrying out the survey. Some of the limitations faced were as (a). The survey sample was 50 persons, which was a negligible amount to obtain accurate answer. (b). People were not eager to disclose their true income. (c). The survey was carried out in a posh area of Dhaka city i. . – in Banani, thus leaving a huge number of respondents outside the survey. (d). Some people didn’t read the questionnaire carefully and they gave results which may not reflect their true opinion. 02. RESEARCH STRUCTURE 2. 1 Methodology In preparing this report we have used both qualitative quantitative method. (a). Primary Data We collected primary data by carrying out a survey on 50 people. In the survey there were 16 questions, all of them close ended. We carried out the survey in three days. (b). Secondary Data We collected secondary data from the retail outlets. We collected a price list of Nike, Reebok Adidas shoes from these outlets. 2. 2 Questionnaire Design The target sample was set up first before preparing the survey questionnaire. We choose the middle class upper class educated people as our respondents. That’s why we distributed our questionnaires among the students, faculties people in North South University. The survey questionnaire was divided in three major parts i. e. – demography, perception about Nike perceptual mapping of Nike. In the demographic part we asked questions to determine the social class, age group profession. In the perception section we developed questions in a way to identify consumer perception about Nike itself, usage of Nike Nike users. In the last part, perceptual mapping we requested the respondents to rank (i. e. – 1, 2, 3 etc) Nike in terms of price, quality performance compared with other leading brands. Also we asked the respondents to rank features (in order of importance i. e. – 1, 2, 3, 4 etc) that they would consider in buying Nike. 03. WHAT IS PERCEPTION? 3. 1 Perception Perception is defined as the process by which an individual select, organizes interprets stimuli into a meaningful coherent picture of the world. It can be described as ‘how see the world around us’. Indeed the study of perception is largely the study of what we subconsciously add to or subtract from raw sensory input to produce our own private picture of the world. Suppose two people being exposed to the same Nike product may perceive differently. One might perceive Nike shoes to be high in performance if he/she is satisfied using it, while the other person may perceive the same Nike shoe having low performance. This proves that perception varies from person to person. 3. 2 Product Positioning The essence of successful marketing is the image that a product or service has in the minds of consumers – that is, its positioning. Positioning is more important to the ultimate success of a product than are its actual characteristics. The core of effective positioning is a unique position that the product occupies in the minds of the consumer. (a). Positioning of Nike itself (1 = Very High, 2 = High, 3 = Average, 4 = Low, 5 = Poor) |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |Price |46% |42% |4% |2% |6% | |Brand Image |54% |42% |4% |0% |0% | |Quality |36% |42% |22% |0% |0% | |Satisfaction |26% |40% |30% |4% |0% | |Smartness |30% |42% |18% |2% |8% | (b). Positioning of Nike in terms of users (1 = Strongly Agree, 2 = Agree, 3 = Neutral, 4 = Disagree, 5 = Strongly Disagree) |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | |Rich People |50% |42% |8% |0% |0% | |Athletes |44% |40% |16% |0% |0% | |Satisfied Past Users |28% |38% |24% |10% |0% | |Brand Loyal C ustomers |30% |38% |20% |4% |8% | (c). Positioning of Nike in terms of use Nike shoes are suitable for ( + 4 = Strongly agree, + 2 = Agree, 0 = Neither agree nor disagree, – 2 = Disagree, – 4 = Strongly Disagree) |+ 4 |+ 2 |0 |- 2 |- 4 | |Only Sport activities |24% |44% |8% |12% |12% | |Only Work activities |8% |12% |42% |16% |22% | |Sports work |26% |40% |26% |4% |4% | 3. 3 Perception Purchase Based on perception the consumers purchase intentions occurs. How consumer perceives a product in terms of price, quality status has a strong influence on purchase intentions purchase satisfaction. In this section we have figured out only the future purchase intention of consumer about Nike. (a). Perception Purchase ( + 4 = Definitely, + 2 = Probably, 0 = Uncertain, – 2 = Probably will not, – 4 = Definitely Will not) |+ 4 |+ 2 |0 |- 2 |- 4 | |I will buy Nike next time I buy a shoe |10% |14% |44% |14% |18% | |I will buy a Nike shoe during next 6 months |10% |4% |36% |18% |32% | |I will recommend others to buy Nike |12% |24% |48% |6% |10% | |I will buy Nike for sports activities |20% |28% |20% |12% |20% | 04. PERCEPTUAL MAPPING 4. 1 Perceptual Mapping The technique of perceptual mapping helps marketers determine just how their products or service appears to consumers in relation to competitive brands on one or more relevant characteristics. It enables them to see gaps in the positioning of all brands in the product or service class and to identify areas in which consumer needs are not being adequately met. 4. 2 Price vs. Quality How consumers perceive the quality of a product is important factor in determining the purchase intention. If the product is not one of high quality the consumer may not be interested in patronizing the product. Besides the quality of a product is a factor that sets the price that consumers are willing to pay. |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Quality |5 |3 |4 |1 |2 |6 | [pic] Figure (price vs. quality) From the diagram it is inferred that people perceive Nike as a high priced shoe with high quality. 4. 3 Price vs. Performance How a product is perceived by consumers in terms of performance (output) is a factor that affects the brand equity of the product and influence repeat purchase intention of consumers. If the consumer is not satisfied with the performance of a product, then it is likely that purchase will not be repeated the manufacturer will not be able to maintain brand loyal customers. | |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Performance |4 |2 |5 |1 |3 |6 | [pic] Figure (price vs. performance) From the diagram it seen that Nike is perceived as a high priced shoe with high performance. 05. FINDINGS (a). Demographic Part 01. Gender Male |Female | |66% |34% | 02. Age Group |19-30 |31-45 |45 | |80% |16% |4% | 03. Marital Status |Married |Unmarried | |8% |92% | 04. Education Level |HSC |A level |Graduate |Post Graduate |Doctoral | |38% |10% |40% |10% |2% | 05. Gross monthly family income (In Taka) |25,000-39,999 |40,000-54,999 |55,000-69,9999 |70,000 | |30% |22% |20% |28% | 06. Profession Student |Government Service |Private Service |Business |Self Employed | |76% |0% |18% |0% |6% | 07. I live in a |Rented House |Own Apartment |Rented Apartment |Government |Own House |Hostel | | | | |House | | | |16% |26% |16% |6% |32% |4% | 08. I reside in Motijheel |Purana Paltan |Segunbagicha |Shantinagar |Malibagh | |0% |8% |2% |0% |4% | |Dhanmondi |Mohammadpur |Lalmatia |Mirpur |Gulshan | |8% |8% |0% |10% |8% | |Banani |DOHS |Baridhara |Uttara |Others | |4% |2% |2% |14% |30% | (b). General Part 09. I recognize Nike by Logo |Name |Logo Name | |30% |6% |64% | 14. I know about Nike from (Rank in order of importance i. e. – 1,2,3 etc) |TV |Newspaper |Billboards |Magazine |Internet |Friends | |1 |6 |5 |2 |3 |4 | 15. If I buy Nike the most important feat ure to me would be (Rank in order of importance i. e. – 1,2,3 ) Self Image |Style |Color |Status | |6 |5 |4 |3 | |Price |Need Fulfillment |Original |Country of Origin | |8 |2 |1 |7 | 16. Please rank the following brands based on price, quality performance (i. e. – 1, 2, 3 etc) |Fila |Reebok |Puma |Nike |Adidas |Others | |Price |5 |2 |4 |1 |3 |6 | |Quality |5 |3 |4 |1 |2 |6 | |Performance |4 |2 |5 |1 |3 |6 | 06. SURVEY ANALYSIS Most of our respondents said they recognize Nike by logo and name, because Nike symbols along with their name are stamped on shoes worldwide and also on various garments. The advertising emphasis of the use of Nike shoes by prominent sportsmen tends to make consumers feel that wearing Nike shoes is a form of smartness. The brand image is high because people who wear Nike shoes in general, are convinced that Nike keeps up to its standard and also after using Nike shoes, they are satisfied with the quality of the shoes and the purpose for which they bought the shoes. People think that price of Nike is high, because in comparison to other brands like Adidas, Reebok, Puma and Fila, the price is a bit on the high side. The price data collected from the outlets proved people’s perception to be true. Rich people because of their attempt to enhance their status symbol usually buy goods of reputed brands, so more rich people tend to buy Nike shoes. Athletes tend to buy Nike shoes because of the comfort and Nike has always promoted itself as being a sports oriented shoe company. In its advertisement, Nike has used mostly sportsmen like Andre Agassi and Michel Jordan to convey this message. Nike shoes ensure high performance for various sports activities and are smooth when it comes to running or playing sports and are durable, so people tend to think that Nike is suitable mostly for sports activities. Brand loyal customers are used to the comfort in using Nike brand, but when using other brands they don’t feel the same level of comfort or satisfaction that they get from Nike. As a reason they stick to using Nike shoes and for them it is a status symbol. Majority of our respondents were reluctant to buy Nike shoe, although they perceived Nike having a high brand image, maybe of the high pricing of Nike shoes. Since they do not have much disposable income, they cannot afford to buy Nike shoe (yet they wish to buy) and resort to buying cheaper brands like Fila and Puma, although they know that the quality of Nike is much better. In Bangladesh because of the cable television, people are exposed to enormous amount of foreign medium. People are exposed to Nike shoes advertisement on foreign channels, so majority said they came to know about Nike shoes first on television. Also in Bangladesh a lot of foreign magazines including sports magazines are available. From these magazines, in hich Nike ads are depicted, people came to know a great deal about Nike shoes. In the Bangladeshi newspapers, there are hardly any ads of Nike shoes, so only a tiny portion of our respondents came to know about Nike shoes from newspaper The people in Banglades h who intend to buy Nike first see whether the Nike shoe is original. Consumers want original shoes because of their status and self-esteem and it helps them fulfill their ego need. Price comes last for these customers, because most consumers can afford the price. 07. CONCLUSION Nike manufacturers have tried to create a distinct positioning of the Nike shoe in terms of quality and satisfaction in comparison to its other competitors i. e. – Adidas, Reebok etc. People in Bangladesh have found Nike to be of high quality and to be of great satisfaction to them, but due to their income limitations, most of people are uncertain as to whether they will buy a Nike shoe now or in the near future. Manufacturers have tried to create a distinct image of Nike in consumers mind, which proved to be successful according to our survey result. From the survey we found that Nike is perceived as a high priced high brand image shoe in the consumers mind. Thus it can be said that Nike is a mega brand in Bangladesh, like it is in other parts of the world. 08. BIBLIOGRAPHY (i). www. nike. com (ii). Consumer Behavior, LEON, G. SCHIFFMAN AND LESLIE LAZAR, 8th Ed, Pearson Education, Singapore. How to cite Nike-High End Shoe Market Survey in Bangladesh.Doc, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019


DIDEROT: THE ENLIGHTENED PHILOSOPHER Essay Denis Diderot was born in 1713 in the pious town of Langres, France. He was the oldest surviving child of a family whose long tradition it was to make renowned cutlery. At the age of thirteen, he decided to leave school because he became impatient with his teachers. They werent feeding him enough of the information he craved. He decided to join his father in the cutlery business. That lasted for four days. He simply described his familys trade as boring. Diderot decided impatience was better than boredom and returned to school at the local Jesuit college. He became an Abbe in hopes of pursuing a religious career and assuming his uncle Vignerons position as canon at the local church. When Diderot was fifteen Vigneron fell ill and died leaving his religious office to young Diderot. When the cathedral chapter would not allow such a young man to take the position and gave it to someone else, they crushed all chances of the Diderot family producing another religious man. Soon after, Denis Diderot left for Paris to resume his studies at the College dHarcourt and Louis-le-Grand. It was here in Paris, that Diderot became the great philosopher that we know today. He started his new life in Paris with little to no money at all. Diderot was poverty stricken and forced to survive any way he could. He often changed residences when he owed too much in overdue rent and concocted wild schemes for borrowing money. He was a tutor for a well-to-do family but after three months, confinement drove him into the streets again. Diderot was not a man who stayed in a place that was not to his liking; no matter how beneficial. For a while he became a writer for sale, making his living by writing sermons and doing translations among other odd tasks. In 1728, at the age of twenty-eight, Diderot fell hopelessly in love with his future wife, Antoinette Champion. By French Bourgeois standards, the match was not a good one. Diderot was several steps higher than Champion on the social ladder an d she was poorly educated, fatherless, and had no dowry. Nevertheless, Diderot and Champion, four years his senior, were married and produced one surviving child. She was named Angelique after Diderots mother and his sister who went mad and died at the age of twenty-eight. We will write a custom essay on DIDEROT: THE ENLIGHTENED PHILOSOPHER specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now From then until the time of his death in 1784, Diderot published many pieces of writing from plays to poems to essays, all the time climbing in wealth and recognition. He was a controversial writer and twice had his writings burned by the executioner and once served jail time. He was a freethinker that associated with the likes of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire and had admirers such as Catherine the Great whose court he visited at her request. History is all about interpretation. Diderots life is no exception. One account of his life portrays him as a self-made man and concentrates on the later part of his life and his beliefs. Another account sees him as being taught to think and to question everything while still in Langres and therefore focuses on his early years and his upbringing. In my opinion, both interpretations are correct. If Diderot did not have the correct educational background for his future career as a philosopher than he never could have become the great thinker that he was. On the other hand, he always had a knack for learning and a craving for knowledge as well as a flare for initiating thought in others. Who is to say that he wouldnt have become a great thinker if he hadnt been brought up in the manner he had?Diderot, was widely known at the peak of his career but due to the controversial nature of much of his work, most of his writings were published posthumously. France, being of a conservative and pi ous nature, was not ready for Diderots train of thought. He was against organized religion for the greater part of his life and instead elected to follow what he called natural religion. He found traditional religious thinking too confined and restricting for his open mind. His natural religion was open to all views and ways of thought. If there were a reason for preferring the Christian religion to natural religion, it would be because the former offers us, on the nature of God and man, enlightenment that the latter lacks. Now this is not at all the case; for Christianity, instead of clarifying. Gives rise to an infinite multitude of obscurities and difficulties.It was because of his nonconformity to organized religion that he was forced to remain underground for the beginning part of his writing career. .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .postImageUrl , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:hover , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:visited , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:active { border:0!important; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:active , .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0ddbae6f9d7455d5e333659c6764511a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Why He Is Not A Man EssayDiderot had little impact on the time period itself but greatly impacted future thinkers. He wrote on everything possible. It was Diderots nature to think and write on everything he came across. He wrote on the traditional subjects of philosophers such as religion as well as the more obscure topics. In Letter on the Blind, For the Use of Those Who See, Diderot questions life as we know it. Time, matter, space are perhaps nothing more than a point.Although Diderot did not have a great impact his time, his time did have a great impact on him. The Enlightenment gave rise to many freethinkers like Diderot and together they sat at cafes, drank coffee or lemonade, played chess, and discussed the meaning of life. The glitters of Paris and the promise of intellectual stimulation is what lured Diderot out of Langres. Without the Bohemian attitude of Paris, the Diderot we know would not exist. Without the friendships and influences of such minds as Rousseau, Condillac, Voltaire and Montesquieu, Diderots thinking could not have been at the same caliber that it was with them. Before the eighteenth century and even during it at times, the leaders of France were conservative and unwilling to open up to new ways of thought. They stifled yearning minds and by doing this for long enough, forced a coming out of new philosophies. Diderot and his peers were the coming out and they came ou t not as a trickle but as a flood. France successfully damned this flood for quite some time but eventually the floods ideas got through the cracks. It wasnt until after the eighteenth century and the death of Denis Diderot that his true impact was made.